
Tuesday, September 01, 2015

My 100 Favorite Films

Getcha popcorn ready, my damies! Because I've spent my down time this summer carefully crafting a list of my 100 favorite films, and it's finally as ready as it'll ever be for it's all important public consumption. I'm calling it, "The Hot Mun-Hundred". Which, for those not so intimately familiar with my work, is a reference (or dare I say an homage) to my finely crafted alter ego, "Bags Munman" (pronounced like "Silverman" NOT like "Spiderman").  BUT FIRST, before you venture through the enigmatic obstacle course that constitutes my cinematic taste, I've provided you with a few disclaimer-type statements to help you get me in your cross-hairs. And they are as follows...


*This is NOT (necessarily) my take on the "best films of all time". It's simply a list of my favorite films. Yes, I'm quite critical. And yes, I've seen more films than is considered socially acceptable for anyone with even partial use of their legs. But by no means do I consider myself some sort of definitive authority on the cinematic experience who's seen every film ever printed. You should think of me in that way. But I don't. I mean, that would just be totally arrogant and slightly inaccurate...

*I have NOT included documentaries or LIVE concert type films in my list. I love them, but there is a time and a place. And I have decided that this is neither...

*For the most part, I don't do horror, sci-fi/fantasy, OR anything with subtitles. And I'm NOT some critical student of cinema (cough:: Mulholland Drive ::cough). Much respect to those genres, the talented actors and directors that populate them, and their legions of fans. But I like what I like. I mean, I try not to discriminate, but it is what it is. And for whatever reason, those film styles don't tend to pique and/or keep my interest...


*Despite my best attempts at due diligence, and my consulting a myriad of respected friends and "best of" lists to help jog my memory, I'm sure I forgot a film or two. Probably even a film or two that I'd have rated highly on my list. So feel free to chime in at any time in the comments section. Whether it be to suggest a film you think I may have omitted, one you think I should watch and possibly include, OR to simply eviscerate my poor taste with your cinematic hot takes ("I don't see The Depahhhhted, guy!"). Whatever your opinion, I'd love to hear it. Besides, I plan on keeping this list around and updating/fine tuning it on a regular basis. So any and all suggestions are more than welcomed...

Oh, and I didn't do any write ups or provide any pictures for any of these movies. I had linked each title to its respective IMDB page. Though apparently a recent blogger 'upgrade' made having that many links untenable. So, just assume I like each film because I think it's really good, and then feel free to check out the plot points and major players at your leisure...

Now, without further dudes. It's time to peruse and abuse. So here's my list. Enjoy...

**The Hot Mun-Hundred**
(updated 10/8/24)

100. Burn After Reading
99. Private Parts
98. Schindler's List
97. Steel Magnolias
96. The Fifth Element
95. Clear History
94. Scent of a Woman
93. The Prestige
92. The Aviator
91. Rain Man
90. Get Shorty
89. Sneakers
88. Searching for Bobby Fischer
87. Barton Fink
86. Inherent Vice
85. Jaws
84. Out of Sight
83. Training Day
82. The Fugitive 
81. Wayne's World
80. Dumb and Dumber
79. The Insider
78. Primal Fear
77. The Truman Show
76. The Money Pit
75. A Few Good Men
74. Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
73. Gladiator
72. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
71. Half Baked
70. The Sting
69. Wall Street
68. Philadelphia
67. Reservoir Dogs
66. Boogie Nights
65. Man on Fire
64. Moneyball
63. Friday Night Lights
62. That Thing You Do!
61. The Usual Suspects
60. Scarface
59. National Lampoon's Vacation
58. There Will Be Blood
57. Do The Right Thing
56. The Assassination of Jesse James
55. SE7EN
54. JFK
53. Dazed and Confused
52. Mank
51. The Nice Guys
50. Fantastic Mr. Fox
49. My Cousin Vinny
48. The Banshees of Inisherin
47. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
46. Apollo 13
45. The Shawshank Redemption
44. 25th Hour
43. The Man Who Wasn't There
42. The Godfather
41. Capote
40. Pulp Fiction
39. Ex Machina
38. American Splendor
37. LA Confidential
36. Casino
35. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
34. Malcolm X
33. He Got Game
32. High Fidelity
31. Zodiac
30. True Grit (2010)
29. The Natural
28. The Royal Tenenbaums
27. The Informant!
26. Goodfellas
25. Office Space
24. Munich
23. Dunkirk
22. Michael Clayton
21. The Godfather II
20. Back to the Future (I+II)
19. Snatch
18. The Princess Bride
17. Friday
16. Caddyshack
15. O Brother, Where Art Thou?
14. Miller's Crossing
13. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
12. Fargo
11. The Grand Budapest Hotel
10. Adaptation 
9. Wonder Boys
8. The Blues Brothers
7. What About Bob?
6. Raising Arizona
5. Quiz Show
4. No Country For Old Men
3. Inside Llewyn Davis
2. Jackie Brown
1. The Big Lebowski


Mark said...

Great list. I have seen about 40, will add to that soon.

Brett Ferruccio said...

Thanks! FYI The Man Who Wasn't There is even in black and white for ya. Oh!

WilmyDad said...

Hey man I have been through this list twice now and I didn't see Congo? Am I missing it? I mean the gorilla can speak sign language man. Classic. Good to have you back. Good readin

Brett Ferruccio said...

I actually made the list while eating a BANANA WITH THE DOPE INSIDE. Probably explains how I forgot Congo...not to mention Slammin' Salmon...

Unknown said...

Apocolypto not mentioned. Your a bad man.

Unknown said...

What About Bob was a great include!!-underrated...but gotta say Vanilla Sky should be on the short-list. And was just gonna click send and recognized you don't have Titanic on your list?? What?????

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